On-Page SEO for 2019 – Whiteboard Friday
Are you looking for SEO Marketing in Ottawa? We have what you need. We offer a wide variety of SEO packages.

The Top Ways To Increase Your SEO Marketing In Ottawa For 2019

Mobile Indexing: This means the way Google Indexes Your Mobile site. Making sure your website is mobile friendly is very important. Google’s new ranking factors include “Mobile Friendly Websites”. If your running WordPress make sure you install a plugin they will enable your website to become mobile.

- Page Speed: Google has a bigger ranking factor on the speed of your website. If your website is slow you will not rank well on Google. You need to make sure that your website is “Mobile Friendly and Speed Friendly”. This is the only way you’ll increase your rank on Google. If your website is done in WordPress, you can take a look at this article about websites and speed . You can check your speed using Google’s page speed test tool that can be found here.
- Think About Doing A Podcast For Your Channel: Have a podcast and taking about your brand and things that you can describe as interesting is very good for SEO. Once the video or podcast is published share it to as many social media networks as possible. Make sure you include the link in your description and be as detailed as possible with your brand. The more words you have in your description, the better it is for you’re SEO. Once your video gets published on YouTube or any other social media platform, you will gain some SEO points.
- Meta Tags Must Be Done Correctly: Definitely use the title meta-tag, try to include keywords in the title and your description. Google will normally use this for the summary it displays in the search results. It isn’t used for indexing so write it for humans, this is what gets people to click on your link when they see it in the SERP results. Don’t use the same metatags for every single page on your site. Make sure the tags are specific to each individual website.
- Create Good Content: Make sure your post is over 1300 words. Google was built on content and is still the most important factor in ranking your website. The more unique content you have on your website the better you’ll rank. Most people write 300-400 word articles and expect to rank on first page. It doesn’t work like that. You need very good content, good quality pictures and make sure you do lots of referencing in your article to other websites related to your article. Remember that people have found your site through google for content. So make sure you be as precise as possible about your topic. Include pictures and references to YouTube videos.

- Doing Off-Site SEO will help in with the mixture: “Off-page SEO” refers to actions taken outside of your own website to impact your rankings within search engine results pages. This includes anything from Social Bookmarks, Directory Submissions, Profile Links, and Blog Comments. These are the most easiest and cheapest off-page SEO ways to help you improve the rank of your website in Google. You need to remember that off-site SEO can sometimes take a couple of weeks for Google to reward your rank. So if you don’t see any results the next day make sure you know that it takes time for Google bots to realize that you’re doing off-site SEO.
- Creating Relevant Articles: Keeping consistent articles that are related to your site is a must. You need to only create articles based on the brand you’re trying to promote. Don’t switch from an At-Home-Mom doing craft to writing about the Michael Jackson Neverland story. You need to be a bite more consistent in the articles to achieve this kind of google rank award.

- Marketing Your Website Online: Social Media, one of my best advices for clients. Get on Facebook, Twitter, and all other major social media platforms and share and link your brand. Share your blog posts and engage with your target audience this will help you get exposure to the social media world. This will build an audience that will start following you on these platforms. You will have access to them with the swipe a button.
- Choosing a SEO friendly Theme: Make sure you use a SEO friendly theme that will help you rank better. These themes are usually lightweight. Meaning that they don’t have that many plugins installed therefore the website will run quicker. WordPress is still the best engine for SEO in my opinion. Recently lot’s of WordPress websites have started ranking in couple very high (1st or 2nd page). Themeforest usually has some trendy website themes you can use. All you need to do is learn how to use WordPress. That will consist of a little time and patience. The best teacher I found for learning WordPress and SEO is YouTube. There are countless videos on YouTube that will teach you the in’s and out’s of how to create websites that will help you rank.

- Download The SEO WordPress Plugin: You will need to either download YOAST SEO or All In One SEO. Both these have their advantages and disadvantages. You can decide yourself when you research which one you prefer. Just make sure you have one of these installed. It will help your SEO especially if your website is new. It will alert Google bots earlier to let them detect your website.
- Creating The Correct Title For Your Page: Now that you have found the correct keyword you want to rank for you will need to search it in Google. You will need to take notice on what the title consists and how the description is written. When creating the titles for your page please make sure you avoid using duplicate titles you might have already created on your website. This will count as a negative in Google’s eye and they will not rank your site as well. Instead draw attention to your post by creating unique material to your page title so that more people will click on it (and increase your CTR).
- Clean Up 404 Errors: As far as outbound links are concerned you need to locate the 404 errors on your site. You can do this by using a free plugin called Broken Link Checker. https://wordpress.org/plugins/broken-link-checker.
All in all you will need to spend some time setting everything up. This will consist of many hours searching on YouTube about what you can learn for free (or ads). The Search Engine Optimization game takes a while to master. Lots of trial and error will help you determine which strategy works best for your brand. Only the strong survive in this SEO world. You also need to adapt to the word “Patience”.
Clients from Ottawa sometimes complain about the turnaround time for results. I explain to them that it takes time for Google to index the changes they’ve made. Just imagine all the articles and websites they receive each second of every minute. There is noway that they can provide real time results (Not at the moment of course 2019) because of the complexity of the issue. My advice is for you too keep researching and if you enjoy it to learn more each day. Educate yourself with knowledge and you will be rewarded.